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Obviously, a man's judgement cannot be better than the information on which he has based it. Give him the truth and he may still go wrong when he has the chance to be right, but give him no news or present him only with distorted and incomplete data, with ignorant, sloppy or biased reporting, with propaganda and deliberate falsehoods, and you destroy his whole reasoning processes, and make him something less than a man. Arthur Hays Sulzberger
I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate. Elbert Hubbard


If you are not ready to help yourself, no one will help you. A self-help guide to living a more happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Discerning your career path

Discerning your career path I.

Deciding your vocation is about knowing what you really want to be, according to your true potential and the labour market's demands. It is about putting in some effort to discern objectively what you should do today, what the specific steps you must take to achieve your goal are, and finally, being committed to the task.

Discerning your career path II. What will the labour market look like in the future?

We live in times of constant and rapid change. There are three elements that cause unemployment: outsourcing, automation, Internet, and AI. The job market is likely to demand curious, innovative, and creative people that have skills in social interaction,...

Facing life challenges and difficulties

Facing life challenges and difficulties. Introduction.

The brick walls are there for a reason. There are not there to keep us out, but to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The're are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.

Ask for help

Do you face difficulties, obstacles, and failures? Learn to ask for help, and when others assist you, be grateful. You will be amazed how much you can get done when you ask for help.


Asking for "help" is a way to cope with difficulties. One of the most efficient ways to get help is to team up with a mentor that guides you every step of the way.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is one of the most essential skills in life. How you handle those challenges determines how successful you can be, what kind of person you really are.

Dealing with death

The earlier you accept the truth, the sooner you can begin working through all of the difficult emotions that death brings. Remember: No pain will last forever. Give yourself time to heal from the loss.

How do you cope with failing an exam?

Expect failure, mistakes, struggles. Failure happens in life. It is all part of the journey. Expecting a sail without waves and twirls is unrealistic. it will only make things harder. You are good enough! You are worth it! You can and you will make it through this.

How do you cope with a surgery?

First, prevention is far better than cure. Staying safe means you can have more fun and more time to enjoy your life. Prepare yourself. Know you are in the best hands.

How to get through difficult times

Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way. Do not get dismayed or discouraged in hard times, and whatever you do ― never ever play the victim's role!

How to cope with being sick

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. Go to the doctor, follow any medical instructions you are given for your illness, and relax, take it easy. Everything is going to be just fine.

Your health is your greatest asset

Healthy as a horse

Health is the basic resource that will allow us to be happy, enjoy life, reach our full potential and flourish, and be difference makers.

Personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene is very important and is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves from germs and diseases. It is also essential from a social perspective. No-one likes to be close to, and even less to be friends with, a person who stinks and is very dirty.

Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth after every meal, at least two times a day. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, snacks, sugary foods, and fizzy drinks at all cost. Visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Visit your doctor & have your vaccines

You should pay a visit to the doctor regularly and have the necessary vaccines to protect you against germs, viruses, and illnesses. It is recommended that you are examined by an ophthalmic practitioner for a sight test every two years.

Active living

Active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into your everyday routines. Start by slowly increasing your physical activity. There are many health related benefits.

Keep yourself safe on the road

It is better to lose one minute in life than to lose your life in a minute. When you gamble with safety, you bet your life. Broken tools can be replaced, you can't.

Kids safety and getting lost

The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense. The world is a dangerous place, there is no doubt about it, so it is important to have fun, but always play safe! Do not accept rides in the cars of strangers. Do not use recreational drugs or abuse prescription medications.

I am stuck in a lift. What should I do?

Relax. Simply close your eyes, take a deep breath, and settle in for what's next. Press another floor button to see if it will simply go. If not, try the open door button. Whatever you do, don't try to get out on your own. You never know when a stuck elevator could start moving again

Handy tips and home remedies that work

Natural remedies might not be full bullet proof solutions, but they are healthy and also save a lot on the medical bill. The problem of over-medication is growing rapidly, and some people are making tons of money from of it. Please consult with your physician before using natural remedies, beginning any exercise, weight loss, or taking a health care program.

Healthy diet and eating habits

Healthy diet

You are what you eat. So don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake. The relationship between food and our health and performance is quite underestimated. However, what you eat and how you eat is very important for your overall performance.

Eating Disorders

Our modern society is obsessed with wealth, youth, and sexuality. There is a multi-million dollar industry devoted to making us look younger. Even worse, the new ideal woman is a pale and extremely thin person with large breasts. Models and celebrities are so thin that they look like they are suffering from anorexia.

Coping with Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. Prevention is better than cure, for example, working on self-esteem with young people, based on real and constant dialogue, mutual understanding, and active listening.

Rest, relaxation and sleep

Sleep sound for a healthy lifestyle

Some people think that they don't need to sleep much, that they will have all eternity to rest, that sleeping is just a waste of time... Big mistake! A good sleeping routine is vital for a healthy body and mind, it is required by our bodies in order to recharge our batteries.

Sleep sound for a healthy lifestyle 2

What good is success if your health has deteriorated from a lack of sleep? One key piece of advise is to set a sleep schedule and establish a bedtime routine and stick to them.

How to relax and meditate

We all need to rest, relax, and sleep to recharge our mental and physical batteries, and invest in our health and well-being. Our brains are not hard-wired to function twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

Rest and relaxation

When we are faced by a stressful situation, it may happen that we respond by working harder, long hours with complete commitment, and we may also cut back on sleep and rest. This can be appropriate in certain situations and for short periods of time. However, we need time to rest and recover.

Healthy body, healthy mind

Why and how to exercise

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. Your body is your main asset. Take good care of it! Live an active lifestyle, play sports, and engage in regular physical activities.

How to Set Effective Goals

A goal without a plan is just wishful thinking. Goals alone seldom produce results, they are just dreams till plans are made to make them a reality. Then, hard work and perseverance is the only way to achieve your goals!

Tips on happiness

Have a good day

Do you want to have a good and productive day? Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Don't just drag yourself out of bed every morning. Get alive and awaken your mind and body for the gift of a brand new day gift wrapped with sun light, air, and your loved ones.

Fears & Phobias

Fears & Phobias in kids

Fear is an emotion, a basic survival mechanism, the ability to recognise danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it. You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.

Fear of failure

Think positively. Negative results are common outcomes. These experiences are important and invaluable. They help us to learn and grow, they give us experience, and anyway, what is the worst thing that could happen to you?

The keys to success

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. Nobody is born with innate knowledge. Everyone needs to accept challenges and setbacks, learn and work hard in order to achieve success.

Living in the present

Stop waiting for happiness to come once you achieve your goals, have a job or a property, i.e. to come around from outside, but live each moment eagerly. Yesterday has gone and tomorrow is never promised. Today is the only day that really matters. Be happy and grateful today and now.

You are not your results

What you are is one thing and the results you get quite another matter. If you fail, you are not a failure. It might be that you had a very bad day, you made a big mistake, you didn't think about the consequences of your actions, you may have not tried hard enough, you did not want it badly enough, or others have been much more fortunate and successful than you.

Leisure and success

What are the keys to success in life? A brilliant and viable idea. Stay focused on your goals without distractions. Be passionate about what you're doing. What about using your spare time to grow and pursue your goals?

Love yourself

Learning to love yourself is key to a healthy self-esteem. It is about loving yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. It is realizing that you are worthy, irreplaceable, and more than capable. Be confident, but not cocky. Cultivate a habit of accepting your mistakes and shortcomings and try to rectify and correct them.

Effective Time Management Strategies

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. You may want to consider the following ideas for a more effective management of your time. Define clearly and write down your goals and agenda. Make sure all or most of your short-term, specific, and measurable goals are achieved on a regular basis.

Learning to say No

Consider that your time is as valuable and important as anyone else's. You cannot always say yes, you also need time for yourself, your work, and your relationships.

Cultivate personal growth

Try to learn something new every day, take the time to improve your skills, abilities, and knowledge. Do not say that you are stuck, you've reached your limits, you have no choice, or you are too old to change. That's not true! You are better than that and deserve much more. You are only stuck if you allow yourself to be.

The secret of life is to be able to adapt and cope with anything

The past does not exist anymore, it is never too late to start again, to rebuild our lives. The future depends on what you do today! Make the most of today, a masterpiece.

Carpe diem. Seize the day!

Do not waste your time, just enjoy it. Live every moment of your life as if it were your last. We hope you will make the most out of your time, manage it as efficiently as possible. Do not let your tv, smartphone, and social media govern and ruin your time. We all need time to unplug and recharge.

Boost your self-esteem

Self esteem is the ability to see oneself as capable and competent, loving, unique, and valuable. Do not limit your potential, instead choose to challenge your limits, raise above your circumstances, and work hard to achieve your goals!

Boost your self-esteem II

Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and self-improvement; without it we can’t really be true to ourselves, love ourselves, find the right partner, or live out our authentic self. You need to be able to observe and analyze reality effectively, that is, know who you really are, where your vulnerabilities lie, and what your strengths and talents are. Besides, you should trust and value yourself regardless of your job, earnings or physical appearance, as a unique, special, and beautiful individual.

Boost your self-esteem III

Being different is not a bad thing, it is something to be proud of! You are worth it! Embrace the challenge, be yourself, value who you are as a unique, special, and beautiful individual.

Everything has its time and place!

Ponder all things in life, everything has a place in the universe. You must study and work hard, there is no doubt about it. If you are lazy today, you will regret opportunities you let slip away through sheer idleness and indifference. However, if you are always overwhelmed and crazy busy because of your studies or work, you will waste your youth without enjoying life, your health will deteriorate, and your friends will forget you and move on.

If you are stressed out, simplify!

Are you stressed out because you have so many responsibilities and people relying on you, you are afraid to say “no”, you're overcommitted at work, your boss expects the impossible, and you have too many things on your plate? Here are some ways to tackle it.

Do not worry about anything!

If a problem has a solution, there is no need to worry about it. But if the problem has no solution, what's the point of worrying about it? Discern between what you can change and what you cannot. It may seem terribly simple, but it is very important and powerful.

Success is not in what you have, but who you are!

Do not be fooled, happiness is not about buying a bigger property, driving a faster car, wearing fashionable clothes, having the latest gadgets or sculpting a perfect body through plastic surgery. It is not in buying and having more. This is a consumerist race that leads to nowhere, a hurricane of stupidity in the name of a convenience that is not convenient anymore.

How to earn enough money to live decently

Money has never made people happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. Forget appearances. Live within your means! Our spending must be in line with our income.

The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least.

Some say that this argument is a big fat lie. However, money can not buy the most important things in life. You can get access to some of the highest quality healthcare available, but no-one can buy health. You can pay for sex with the most voluptuous women, but you can't buy love. You may be able to afford the best beds in the most luxurious hotels, but you can't buy sleep.

It is not what happens to you that matters, but what you do about it

It is very true that life is not simple, nor is it fair. Life is messy, it does not make any sense, it just happens. Even if you have an ordered life, you are feeling secure and safe, chaos is lurking around the corner, waiting to smack you with a dose of harsh reality. Sooner or later you'll have your share of drama. The key thing is, what are you going to do about it?

Visualization is a tool, not a panacea

Wishful thinking is one thing, and reality quite another. You should never confuse the importance of a good self-esteem and positive thinking with those who preach that we can change or recreate the real world through our thoughts alone by visualizing what we want to achieve.

Accept responsibility.

It is very important to accept responsibility, recognize when the other party is right, and also our own flaws and mistakes. This recognition is essential because everyone could see that we do not want to look good or above them, we are not moved by revenge or pride, but we are focused on problem resolution, success, and improving the quality of our relationships.

Move forward

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. So do not spend too much time dwelling on something, forget the "what ifs", try to temper your excess emotions, put the situation in perspective, and move forward.

It is our choices and actions that will define the person we are to become

Whatever comes our way... whatever battle is raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It’s the choices that make us what we are... and we can always choose to do what's right. It is a quote from a film, isn't it? However, real people face this dilemma just as much.

Be positive I

It is up to you to decide if the glass is half full or half empty. More important than our experiences and circumstances is the subjective evaluation we make of them. The relationship between the perception of a situation and our assessment, and reality is not direct, but rather complex.

Be positive II

A positive explanatory style should be applied when we interact with our friends, family members, and acquaintances. As we are positive and confident about our possibilities, we should also feel positive about our friends and family members and see their true potential - no matter what problems or issues they may face!

Now's The Time For Evaluation

It is a good idea to reflect on the following points regularly. What is the best thing about you? If you have a partner, what is the most important thing in your relationship? In a working environment, what do you like and value the most about the company and your work?

Diffuse thinking and meaning

Think about this scenario: you have been informed that you have a serious disease, the diagnosis is not good, and your only option is to go under the knife, many things can go wrong. What can you do about it?

Learn to take your time

I want you to put yourself in my shoes twenty years ago. You are twenty-something and you are diagnosed with cancer. What would you do? Of course,you would follow all the doctor's advice and instructions on treatment and would think positively that everything will turn out fine.

How to enter the flow state

Flow is a state of mind that we have all experienced more than once, during which we become so involved in an activity that the world seems to fade away and nothing else seems to matter anymore. It leads to peak performance, pleasurable feelings, and emotional rewards.

How to start a business

If you decide to start a business, you need a good idea, something new, different and relevant. You must really know and love what you're doing.

Combat evil and promote good

Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. What is prejudice?

Prejudice is a feeling, favorable or unfavorable toward a person, prior to, or not based on, actual experience. Prejudice is an attitude. Discrimination is a behavior. They are morally wrong and unfair.

How to stop discrimination?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Challenge your beliefs and way of thinking, be tolerant and open to those that are different, treat everyone equally and fairly, promote dialogue, practice inclusion in every aspect of your life, and speak up against injustice and intolerance.

Prejudice and discrimination

Modern prejudice is more subtle. It is still linked to the existence of negative feelings toward outgroups, but with certain restrictions. These feelings are not of hatred and open hostility, but rather of discomfort, insecurity, and even fear that leads to avoidance of contact with the outgroup rather than the manifestation of destructive or hostile actions towards them.

Dealing With Bullies

What is it? It is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. Try to ignore and avoid the bully as much as you can. If you can take a different route and avoid him or her, do so.

Be a nice person

You are beautiful, special, and unique, and better yet, you can make the world a better place. Be sincere and honest. Personal integrity is important, not because it gets us what we want, but because it helps us be what we want.

Learn to forgive

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness. The main victim of anger, bitterness, and resentment is you. Don't let resentment fester inside you - it will lead you to absolutely nothing but pain, misery, and anger.

Control your anger

Prevent your anger. If you are angry to the point that you cannot control it... Stop, do not do anything when you are very angry because you cannot think straight. Act only when you are calm and in control of your senses! Calm down and breathe deeply. Count to ten and think again. Get control of yourself first before trying to talk and influence others, otherwise walk away.

Competition and Cooperation

Anyone who imagines they can work alone winds up surrounded by nothing but rivals, without companions. Does cooperation make any sense or is it just a silly utopian dream? Maybe, we should always seek our own selfish interests.

Blind obedience and conformity

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

The Bystander Effect

Avoid the bystander effect: Pay attention and realize what is going on; If it is an emergency, assume responsibility ― If you do nothing, you are guilty! Approach the victim, figure out what needs to be done, and just do it. Call an emergency number if people's lives are in danger.

Anonymity and deindividuation

Traditionally, deindividuation has been associated with crowd behaviour. It occurs in situations where anonymity and reduced self-awareness lead people to show dis-inhibited, violent, anti-regulatory, and irrational behaviour.

Effective Interpersonal Communication

Effective Interpersonal Communication.

The sender must adjust his message to the receiver, context, and channel, avoid saying what is untimely, inappropriate or just plain rude, and ensure that it gets across effectively. Communication should be clear and concise.

Non-verbal communication I

Non-verbal communication is the first communication we receive from and give to another person. It gives us insights into the thoughts and feelings of a person, a more accurate information that can be used to interpret messages and meanings embedded in them.

Non-verbal communication II

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said. Eye Contact indicates attention, interest, trust, and self-confidence. On the contrary, lack of direct eye contact signifies boredom, disinterest, dishonesty, low self-esteem and self-confidence, shyness, or even fear.

An example: A job interview

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. The job interview is nothing but a form of interpersonal communication, but how to be persuasive and effective?

Listening Skills

The human being is a social animal, and therefore interpersonal communication skills are vital to success in life, both personally, romantically, and professionally. They include non-verbal communication, active listening, dialogue, questioning, silences, etc.

Listening Skills II

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. It is about listening without haste, avoiding distractions and interruptions, and with sincere and genuine interest. It is about asking questions to deepen our understanding, resolve doubts, etc.

Assertive communication

The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. We need an assertive style so that effective interpersonal communication may take place. It is about feeling free to express our thoughts and ideas, being able to control anger, communicate effectively with others, compromise, and maintain deep and meaningful relationships.

Manipulative communication

It is very important to be aware of the persuasive and perversive power of advertising in our society, e.g., many companies spend big money on advertising aimed at children.

The spotlight effect

Most of us stand out in our own minds. Whether in the midst of a personal triumph or an embarrassing mishap, we are usually quite focused on what is happening to us. People tend to believe that more people take note of their actions and appearance than is actually the case.

Love and relationships

Love is our destiny

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone ― we find it with another. Normally, in any relationship, both partners are attracted to what the other has and does.

Interpersonal attraction

We like those who are physically attractive to us. There is at this point a paradox or a big fat lie. Most people do not consider physical attraction to be important to have a long, happy, and healthy relationship.

First impressions

First impressions are very important because they are lasting. We ignore discordant facts or neglect adverse findings as we have aversion towards the information which is not consistent with our initial thoughts and ideas.


Dialogue is to love, what blood is to the body. When dialogue stops, love dies. Communication must be smooth, sincere, constant, effective, and cover all our aspirations, interests, worries, fears, and subjects, and deal with them in a sensitive, mature, and proportionate manner.


DTrue and meaningful dialogue is tough. It requires honesty and sincerity, time, and that each person actively listens, respects, and gives due consideration to the perspectives, ideas, and insights that each party brings to the table.

How long should you wait? How to practice safe sex. How to make love.

Sex have real impact in our lives. It should not be taken so lightheartedly. Many people are suffering from STIs from having too many sexual partners, have highly inflated sense of self-worth, and severe psychological and emotional problems.


Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can. Sex is important, we all know that. We are sexual beings and we all crave for intimacy in our relationships. However, its importance will decline over the years.


In Western societies, political correctness has gone mad, freedom of speech is under attack, and the social media echo chamber is constantly full of empty and meaningless virtue-signalling and posturing to let everybody know how social conscious, democratic, and tolerant we are.

Avoiding dependency

Love is not about two selfish people that only care about themselves and need each other, but two generous souls that hug one another. Love is not a cure for loneliness or an escape from the harsh reality of the real world. Genuine love is not dependency, two people love each other only when they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live together.

Love is blind but not stupid

Before problems arise and a relationship goes too far, it is important to be rational and weigh up the relationship, its pros and cons, and see if you think it's worth the trouble.

Give the best of yourself every single day

Keep your relationship fresh, fun, and alive, value it, and show your affection every day. The more time you have been together, the more reasons there are for you to show him/her how much you care, how unique, important, and special he/she is to you.

Don't give up on love

When you let her/him go, you are essentially creating space for better things to enter your life. Overcome adversity with generosity, optimism, and joy. It is never too late to be what you are meant to be, to start on a new journey of fulfillment and success, to love and be loved.


Forgiveness isn’t approving what happened. It’s choosing to rise above it. Forgive your partner, especially when s/he is sincerely sorry, willing to change her/himself, and fix the problem.

Active and constructive response

Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego, others over self. Active and constructive response are not just for romantic relationships, they should also be used in parent-child communication, in the workplace, etc.

Accept your partner for who they are

Before you begin a serious and stable relationship with someone ― marriage, kids, moving together, etc. ―, you should really know him/her very well. Then, you should consider and meditate hard because there is a lot at stake. Do not fool yourself into believing that he or she will be different, better, or you will make him/her change.

Men and women, are we the same or different?

There is a current cultural trend of political correctness which claims that significant gender differences do not exist. Therefore, it is believed that by pretending or even denying there are no important gender differences, we will achieve more equality, prevent discrimination, and even gender violence.

Drugs, Tobacco, and Alcohol

Drugs, Tobacco, and Alcohol

Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-respect, and everything that goes along with your self esteem. Alcohol is a social drug that affects people in different ways.

All you need to know about drugs

1 out of 4 teens reports having misused or abused a prescription drug. Drug abuse causes poor academic results, serious health problems, job losses, out of control debts, and finally, family impoverishment, bankruptcy, family and romantic relationship breakdowns, and reliance on welfare.

Oniomania, shopaholic addiction

Large corporations and companies are very powerful and bombard us with constant, aggressive, and very persuasive advertising for crap we usually don't need, e.g., using empowerment (Real women, Real beauty -Dove), shared values (Rei is closed. Let's head outside), fear of missing out, and celebrities endorsement.

Problem gambling or ludomania

Problem gambling can be defined as pathological gambling. It is an urge to gamble continuously, an absolutely irresistible impulse to play despite being aware of its personal, social, and economic costs.


It is a person who is addicted to work. More specifically, work has become the centre of their life and they are ready to sacrifice everything, wife, children, family, friends, even their own health and life.

Video game addiction

Playing video games is fun and exciting. However, like most things in life, it's all about balance and common sense. Control how much time you spend playing video games, so it does not become an addiction that takes your time away from important things that you could or should be doing, like spending time with your family and friends, sleeping enough or studying.

Other addictions

Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. They lead to relationship problems, school drop-out, unemployment, bankruptcy, homelessness, delinquency, prostitution, and cause many physical and mental health problems.



Internet privacy is a myth. It is a murky, complicated issue full of conflicting interests, misinformation, innuendo, half-truths, and blatant lies. Smartphones are highly privacy-invasive. Google, Microsoft, and Apple monitor and record a lot of what you do on your smartphone. Besides, manufactures and software developers will add their own dangerous and privacy-invasive software into the mix.

Identity theft

It is a traumatic and difficult experience and their victims are left with bills that they did not incur, damage to their credit, finances, and reputation.

Avoid interruptions

Interruptions are the most important obstacle for reaching a flow state. They are the enemy of productivity and efficiency. They prevent us from achieving our goals and being successful.

Writing an email

An email is a form of written communication, a method to send messages between computers through the Internet. Email services are not safe, they are completely insecure.


Video Conferencing is a blessing for those employees who need to attend a meeting after a long, tiring, and stressful day at work or those who are in a long-distance relationship and they're still together, and yet it has its limitations and problems.

Instant messaging

Messaging is an integral part of our daily social interactions, how we express, engage and connect with others. It is a fast, cheap, and convenient mean of communication.

The world is a small village. Intercultural communication

We live in a world where information travels at the speed of light and is circulated more widely than ever before. It is also increasingly interconnected and interdependent, what happens "there" affects things over "here" and vice-versa.

How to deal with difficult people

How to deal with difficult people

We all know difficult people, complicated people who make us feel uncomfortable, angry, or even miserable

How to deal with absent minded people, how to stop being one

The absent minded person is forgetful, oblivious to ordinary matters, and doesn't pay enough attention and consideration to what they are doing right now.

How to deal with clumsy people & be less clumsy

The clumsy person has six thumbs on each hand, they are often dropping things, bumping into walls, hurting themselves, falling over or tripping over themselves and everything around them. They can become dangerous to themselves and others if they are not properly supervised.

How to deal with easy going people

They are happy, friendly, care very little about everything, and do not get angry or emotional easily. They are unwilling to get fully involved in any project. They may be lazy, don't like working too much, have a tendency to procrastinate, and just do whatever they are supposed to do and nothing else.

How to deal with envious people & cope with envy

Jealous, envious people want what others have -money, looks, jobs, houses, friends, romantic partners, accomplishments, success, fame or social status-, but laugh and rejoice at other people's misfortunes and failures.

How to deal with funny people

Funny people are those who frequently make funny, ironic or sarcastic remarks and comments. They are always cracking jokes and making witty retorts.

How to deal with gossip & stop gossiping

Gossiping people are those with a lot of time to spare, looking for others to spread gossip, rumors, secrets, and lies about people without bothering to find out the truth or caring about it.

How to deal with lazy people & stop being lazy

The lazy person is unwilling to work hard. Rather than seizing the day, they waste time, energy, talent, and opportunities by not using or under using their skills and competences.

How to deal with people who hear but don't listen

There are some people who hear but don't listen, or refuse to listen to anything that anyone is saying. They may be too prideful or arrogant, and think they know better.

How to deal with pessimist people

A pessimistic person tends to focus on the negatives of life in general, see the worst aspects of things, and believe that the worst will happen.

How to deal with stressful people/and cope with stress

Stressed and overwhelmed people have not enough time for anything anymore because they are overloaded with tasks, responsibilities, and problems. They feel that they are not doing enough with the time they have.

How to deal with the chronic discontent

They are the ones who constantly whine and complain about everything and anything, and how tough life is. They find flaws everywhere and are quick to point them out, but they are not willing to lift a finger to do anything about it.

How to deal with the know-it-all person & stop being a know-it-all

Know-it-all people are arrogant, conceited, and annoying. They constantly interrupt others and jump into conversations to inject their knowledge, answer some questions nobody have asked them, and offer unsolicited advice and help.

How to deal with undecided people & make difficult decisions

They are allergic to making a decision because once you make it, you have to deal with the results, and also with the fact that you could have done or chosen something else.

How to deal with violent people

A violent person is someone who cannot control his or her mood and emotions. Typically, he or she is under mounting stress with increasing anxiety, tension, and fear. He or she feels helpless, impotent, and/or victimized.

How to deal/stop being a compulsive-talkative

The compulsive-talkative person is someone who talk excessively, unable to wait their turn. They may say everything that comes to their mind with no filter and have no discretion at all. They are constantly interrupting conversations.

How to deal/stop being a people-pleasers

People-pleasers are those who are always smiling and want everyone around them to be happy. They are very friendly, polite, and helpful, they will do whatever is asked of them to, and will agree with you about almost everything.

How to deal with liars & why should you avoid telling lies

Avoid telling lies because: The truth will eventually come out sooner or later, and your reputation will be damaged. Lying hurts you more than anyone else, nothing good comes from it, and people will hesitate to trust you again. A lie is like a snowball; the longer it goes on, the bigger it gets.

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