Doubts have killed more dreams than failure ever will, Anonymous.
Doubts in your mind are a much greater roadblock to success than obstacles on the journey, Orrin Woodward.
Undecided people always have doubts and raise questions about everything that they have been asked to deal with. They want to know all the details and options. They often complain that they can't make up their mind because there is too much or too little information, choice or analysis and/or fundamentally different reasonable alternatives. Basically, they are allergic to making a decision because once you make it, you have to deal with the results, and also with the fact that you could have done or chosen something else.
How to deal with undecided people
- As always, you need to accept them as they are. You are not going to change them.
- Make sure to provide them with all the information they need, answer all their questions, and give them enough time.
- Encourage positive thinking. Empower them to decide for themselves and make a choice. Explain to them that everything cannot be under our control, the world, life, and business are messy with many twists and turns, managing reasonable risks and uncertainty is critical to every business, plan, or project, but you have high confidence that the adopted measures and procedures are correct and that the people involved will be able to overcome obstacles and contingencies as they arise.
How to make difficult decisions
- Tough decisions need time and space to rest, reflect, and deliberate. Do not hurry things, take a walk, go to the gym, do something else, exercise or sleep, discuss your options with someone who you trust to give you sound advice and help you clarify the problem and make the decision.
- You should also do your own research, consider and weigh different options, risks, and consequences, the impact of each possible outcome. As much as you should be logical, reasonable, and sensible, you should also always trust your gut, instincts, and intuition.
- Sometimes making a decision is better than not making one at all. In other words, making a decision and committing to it could be the best decision you can make, far better than being paralyzed and continuing to struggle in the murky, anxiety-ridden limbo of doubts and never-ending indecision. It could be all that matters, the only way to move forward.
You must be careful never to allow doubt to paralyze you. always take the decisions you need to take, even if you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing. You’ll never go wrong if, when you make a decision, you keep in mind an old German proverb: ‘The devil is in the detail.’ Remember that proverb and you’ll always be able to turn a wrong decision into a right one, Paulo Coelho, Brida
- When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice. In other words, you still have made a choice. It is a dangerous or even stupid thing to do, because you are putting those decisions in the hands of people who will not have your (or your company) best interest at heart.
- Once you make a decision, commit to it. Believe in yourself and in the beauty of your dreams.
- No matter how hard you try, you will make bad decisions and regret making them. What can you do about it? Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and take wrong decisions, so practice self-forgiveness, love yourself, extract lessons from these experiences, and grow.
Sometimes, you should look for opportunities to turn a bad decision or outcome into a good one. Other times, it is better to stop, admit your mistake/defeat, start from scratch once again, learn from it, grow, and move on. Do not let one bad decision define who you are, what you can achieve, and who you can become.