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How to deal with funny people

People are like music. Some speak true words, while others are just noise, Anonymous.

If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them, Anonymous.

Funny people are those who frequently make funny, ironic or sarcastic remarks and comments. They are always cracking jokes and making witty retorts.

Laughter improves our health, for example, it relieves emotional stress and pain. It helps us to see the big picture, reduces our fears and anxieties, makes us happy and live longer, improves our relationships (nobody wants to be around someone who is gloomy), cope better with problems, worries, and struggles, and improves our overall attitude towards them. In short, it provides us with many resources for overcoming them or, at least, coping with and accepting them in the best possible way.

When you need to win over an audience, persuade someone, make a great first impression, or easy the stress of a difficult situation, starting off with a a light joke, a funny quote or anecdote could be the best way to go. How to deal with funny people 

However, some funny people use humor as a weapon. When you are less ready, they deliver their nasty blow where it hurts the most. Under a harmless guise, some unwelcome comments or remarks that could apparently be seen as naive, irrelevant, funny, and superficial by others, are indeed toxic, damaging, and even cruel. Sometimes, they could be even worse than a violent fit of anger or a bitter discussion because they take advantage of our weaknesses, shortcomings, and human frailties, and make us feel ashamed and ridiculed.

Some jokes about sex, religion, stereotypes, politics, race, color, and disabilities should be avoided. Using humor to ridicule, embarras, humble, or discredit your co-workers, customers, clients, or company is a big no-no.Cracking jokes when people are stressed, busy, or a combination of the two may be perceived as insensitive, inappropriate or distasteful.

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