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How to deal with stressful people/and cope with stress

You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway, Steve Maraboli.

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst, William Penn.

Stressed and overwhelmed people have not enough time for anything anymore because they are overloaded with tasks, responsibilities, and problems. They feel that they are not doing enough with the time they have. They are slaves to a rigid schedule and a busy and jam-packed agenda full of meetings, tasks, and deadlines.

Unfortunately, their frenetic pace of daily living is too fast and stressful most of the time, so they don’t eat or sleep well, eat junk food, don’t play sports or exercise, don’t socialize enough, etc. and all of that is impacting their mental and physical health. Some may drink, smoke and/or take drugs to blow off stream, relax, and/or help them focus on work and stay up later to study. How to deal with stressful people/and cope with stress

How to deal with stressful people/and cope with stress


How to deal with stressful people

  1. Mind your own business, focus on your work. You are not going to change them so you need to accept them as they are. Besides, you can control how you react to them and maybe, you will need to figure out how you can get some distance and limit your interactions with them.
  2. You may want to listen and talk to them, but don’t get on their emotional bus or rollercoaster. Do not let yourself be sucked in their negative emotions, mainly anxiety, anger, frustration, and depression.
  3. Clarify and review their tasks, responsibilities, and roles and talk to them about how they are doing and how they feel their work is going.
  4. Provide them with the resources, competences, tools, and training needed to feel confident and get their job done more professionally and efficiently.
  5. Offer your support and assistance, but be transparent and sincere about what you can do and what you cannot do for them. Don’t offer a blank check when life is hard and unfair, and work is a jungle.
  6. Build a culture of loyalty, trust, and wellbeing to support employees in all aspects of their wellbeing. Be thankful, recognize your employees’s hard work and accomplishments.
  7. Set realistic goals and expectations, remove unnecessary meetings, reduce excessive paperwork and documentation (cover your ass), respect your employees’ time away from the office, and avoid getting in touch with them when they are not working.
  8. Avoid irregular work schedules, excessive overtime, foster positive relationships and constructive dialogue, create a healthy workplace environment, and promote humor to cope with stress.
  9. How to cope with stress? Don’t sweat and get distracted on the meaningless, useless, and insignificant things but instead, focus on the things that truly matters, what is really meaningful and significant. Acknowledge that time is not as elastic as we assume or want to believe. Take care of your body, make time to unwind and connect with others (your spouse, kids, relatives, friends, and colleagues), your community, club, and faith-based organization. Renew your sense of meaning and purpose.

    Quit smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. Live a more active lifestyle, do more exercise and outdoor activities. Sleep seven to eight hours on average. Eat a more balanced and nutritious diet. Disconnect from mass and social media, television, your smartphone, and video games, and reconnect with life, God, and the world around us.

  10. How to cope with stress II? It is very important to know when to stop, rest, and unwind (e.g., meditation, yoga, prayer, spending time in nature, hobbies, etc.), learn to prioritize and focus on your goals and objectives. You should find ways to work less and smarter, not work more and harder. Learn to be creative and resourceful in getting what you need for less time, money, and effort. Go easy on yourself, practice self-love and self-care. Identify and remove your stress triggers. Stay organized, avoid conflict at work, and keep your perfectionism in check.
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