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How to deal with people who hear but don't listen

They ask me why I’m so quiet. […] I have a lot to say, but I keep quiet cause they won’t listen anyway, Anonymous.

There are some people who hear but don't listen, or refuse to listen to anything that anyone is saying. They may be too prideful or arrogant, and think they know better, but that does not mean they do. Maybe, they just don’t care or bother to listen.

Nowadays, many people do not seem to have time to listen to their partners, friends, relatives, or coworkers’ opinions, concerns, and points of views. Some people are just too busy and stressed. They have not enough time for anything anymore because they are overloaded with tasks, responsibilities, and problems. How to deal with people who hear but don’t listen 

What can you do about it?

Listen, smile, and turn around. They’re the loud minority, don’t give them too much thought.

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