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I am stuck in a lift. What should I do?

Someone asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring… ‘How to Build a Boat,’ Steven Wright

Read our free ebook Twelve in the lift for a gentle introduction to this claustrophobic topic. How are you doing in England? Remember, an elevator is a lift

Imagine this scenario: You are stuck in a lift. What should you do? Let me offer you some tips and ideas:

  1. Relax. Simply close your eyes, take a deep breath, and settle in for what’s next” (HDHubby.com, Six Things You Should Do If You Get Stuck In An Elevator).

    Relax. Simply close your eyes, take a deep breath!

  2. Press another floor button to see if it will simply go. If not, try the open door button”, eHow.com, How to Survive in a Trapped Elevator.

    Press another floor button to see if it will simply go

  3. Whatever you do, don’t try to get out on your own. You never know when a stuck elevator could start moving again (SITCH NEWS, Five Steps to Take if You Get Stuck in an Elevator).

  4. Wait patiently for help to come. I cannot stress on this point enough. Patience is key in a situation like this.

    To lose the patience is to lose the battle, Gandhi

  5. Call for assistance. Use the emergency telephone, your mobile phone, bang on the doors and yell (TechWench, What To Do If You’re Trapped In An Elevator).

Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong. Les Brown

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