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Do not worry about anything!

If a problem has a solution, there is no need to worry about it. But if the problem has no solution, what’s the point of worrying about it?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Discern between what you can change and what you cannot. It may seem terribly simple, but it is very important and powerful. What sense does it have to mourn and complain bitterly about something which cannot be changed, such as the death of a loved one, a chronic and painful sickness, a bitter divorce that has left you shattered and financially broken, etc.? You are just wasting your time, draining your energy and hurting yourself!

If you cannot go wherever you want, stay where you are.

All our efforts should focus on changing and improving what is within our power and reach, starting with ourselves: do not worry about your problems, and do something useful and productive! Follow your dreams and exercise courage, set specific goals and tasks based on your dreams, have a plan and commit to it, get things done more efficiently and effectively, review how you are performing against your goals and how you can improve.

If you can not do anything about it, let it go, ignore it, don’t think more about it. Enjoy life, because no one gets out of alive anyway.

Eat healthy, sleep well, do more exercise (take the stairs, walk a bit more, do squats and pull ups) and outdoor activities so that you can reap the health benefits that more physical activity can bring into your life. Get out of yourself! Develop new and meaningful relationships that enrich your personal and professional life, find meaning and purpose in your life, etc.

What cannot be, cannot be and, besides… it is impossible, Charles Maurice Talleyrand.

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