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Active living

Follow your dreams, work hard, practice, and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle, Sasha Cohen.

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it, Plato.

Active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into your everyday routines. […] There are many health related benefits. […] It can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve your overall health and well-being, reduce stress levels, minimize health related medical costs, help you to maintain a healthy weight, etc.” Active Living, Wikipedia.

Do you like sports? They are a fun way to socialise and meet people, but they offer several health benefits, too. They keep you active, strong, and fit. Read our free ebook Sports for more information about this topic.

Start by slowly increasing your physical activity […] [it] doesn’t mean only sports – it can include everyday things like walking the dog, planting a garden, playing tag, building a snowman, tobogganing, and even household chores like raking the leaves, or sweeping the garage”, Tips to Get Active, Public Health Agency of Canada.

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day, Henry David Thoreau.

“It includes everything from walking and gardening to badminton and golf. […] Walking has all the benefits of active living rolled in to one activity. Walking is rhythmic, economical, and safe for most people,” Region of Peel.

Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise, Carrie Latet.

Above all: Safety first. Always check with your physician first before doing any physical activity.

Walking for health and fitness, the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape, Frank Ring.

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