Envy is an insult to oneself, Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has, Anoymous.
Jealous, envious people want what others have -money, looks, jobs, houses, friends, romantic partners, accomplishments, success, fame or social status-, but laugh and rejoice at other people's misfortunes and failures. It is basically a strong negative emotion that poison our minds and souls without even realizing it. It is a source of discomfort, sadness, anger, and hate.
What shall we do?
- Do not be angry with envious people. At the end of the day, they are insecure and feel less fortunate and valuable than others. Envy only expresses feelings of inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself, and prevents happiness, success, and well-being. It spoils the capacity for enjoyment in life. It also prevents them from learning and growing from others’ wisdom, knowledge, skills, and virtues.
- Try to develop empathy with the person who is jealous of you.
- Don’t boast about your achievements, knowledge, looks, skills, and wealth, it will only exacerbate the problem. Don’t toot your own horn too often. On the contrary, be humble, kind, and meek. Be confident, but not over-confident.
- Do not take negative, derogatory, hostile or mean comments to heart. Don’t retaliate. Consider that two don’t fight if one doesn’t want. It is better to refuse to get involved in a heated confrontation where bitter words or insults are exchanged with them.
- If they can’t do anything against you or don’t have the guts to do so, just ignore them or cut off the relationship.
Envy can drive people to behave badly, so you may become the victim of gossip, rumours, exclusion (either subtle or in-your-face), abuse, or violence.
- On the contrary, if they can harm you in a meaningful way, talk to them tactfully and sensitively, take a reflective, active listening, not confrontational or judgemental and collaborative approach, and try to resolve the problem with dialogue. If this approach is not possible, stay away from them and their circle of control and influence.
- Live a more active lifestyle, do more exercise, sports, play outside, and outdoor activities, and watch less television.
- If an envious boss or coworker is making your life miserable, it’s time to head for greener pastures.
If your workspace is too toxic, just resign. Your mental and physical health and well-being are far more important than the salary they are paying you. If you lose your health, you will lose everything!
Tips to Cope with Envy