Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it, Katherine Whitehorn.
The job interview is nothing but a form of interpersonal communication. According to everything that has been said, how to be persuasive and effective?
Impeccable presentation. Brush your teeth, floss, and have a shower before the interview. Make sure your hair looks neat and well groomed, your nails are clean and short, and your hands, spotless. For a man, facial hair should be well shaved or trimmed, he should wear a grey or blue suit, a well-ironed tie and a crisp white shirt. For a woman, she should never wear anything that draws attention. Female candidates should avoid too tight, short, transparent, and revealing dresses. Do not wear any earrings that are not in your earlobes and do not show your tattoos or piercings.
Do not smoke or drink alcohol before an interview. Do not chew gum or candy during the interview.
Arrive a few minutes early and go alone. Do not bring friends or family members with you, so you can demonstrate autonomy, self-confidence, and independence.
You should arrive on time, but not too early.
Turn off the phone, make sure you will not be disturbed.
Show openness and self-confidence by greeting with a firm and strong handshake, sitting with a good posture, and showing a friendly smile. Make sure you are in a pleasant and accommodating mood during the whole interview.
It is very important to maintain eye contact, but be careful not to stare too long either.
Sit down when the interviewer asks you to do so. Sit down properly with your back straight, but try to do so in a natural way and lean slightly forward to show the interviewer how interested and motivated you are. Avoid fidgeting, slouching, sitting on the edge of your chair (you will look nervous, lacking in self-confidence and uncomfortable), and do not cross your legs or arms (a very defensive posture).
Do not get nervous. Do not play with the interviewer’s business card, your hair, ring, smartphone or pen. Do not bite your nails or lips during the interview. Avoid fidgeting, twitching your legs, moving your hands too much. On the contrary, breath deeply, stay calm and focused during the interview so you can project a self-confident and trustworthy image of yourself.
Before the interview, you should take a copy of your resume and review it. Try to be calm and relaxed. Do not overload the day, get plenty of rest instead. Research the company in advance, visit its website, find out about their products, services, and competitors.
What about your language?
Accept criticism and show yourself as someone who is willing to learn from his/her flaws and mistakes, as someone who does not view negative experiences and outcomes as problems, but as opportunities and challenges to grow and learn.
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation, Arthur Ashe.
If you don’t get the job, don’t worry at all, but evaluate your performance after the interview, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus on what you need to improve for future interviews.
How do you handle rude questions? 1. Do not panic, do not get upset, be rude or yell. 2. Relax, keep your cool! Always be respectful, show good manners, appropriate language and smile. 3. Rude questions don’t have to be answered: “I don’t think that question is relevant to the job/appropriate, do you?”
How do you handle unexpected questions? 1. Repeat the question. It will give you a few extra seconds to think about your answer. 2. Answer it with imagination and creativity. 3. Do not worry too much, no one expects you to have all the answers.