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Visit your doctor & have your vaccines

Better safe than sorry

You should pay a visit to the doctor regularly and have the necessary vaccines to protect you against germs, viruses, and illnesses.
The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter, Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Just for starters, “it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmic practitioner for a sight test every two years” (NHS eye care services).

You may want to read our free ebook I need glasses! and I Hate Injections And Needles! for a gentle introduction to the topic.

  1. What is the point of injections? They “keep you from getting some serious diseases. These diseases could make you very sick. The prick of an injection isn’t nearly as bad as those illnesses”, KidsHealth, Staying Healthy, Being Good to My Body, A Kid’s Guide to Injections. The needle was four feet long and thick as a pencil. I tried to run but the doctor had been an olympic javelin champion, Medical Mel, Dilbert
  2. So you’re freaking yourself out. What can you do to make injections less painful? What’s that? Is that a shot? Are you going to…AAUGHH! It went clear through my arm! Ow ow ow ow!!! I’m dying! I hope you’ve paid your malpractice insurance, you quack! Calvin and Hobbes


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