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How to train your brain.

As we age, it’s absolutely normal for our brain function to decline. Technology, food, retirement, stress, health disorders, medications, sleep deprivation, drug consumption, economic distress, and lack of exercise, all have negative effects that can cause brain function to decline more rapidly.

This can lead to problems with memory, focus, and concentration. But saying that, it does not mean we cannot strengthen or enhance brain function and cognition. Starting to live a more active and healthy lifestyle, sleeping more, eating a more healthy, varied and balanced diet, playing brain teasers, riddles, and games, solving puzzles, and doing fun mental exercises helps maintain and even boost cognitive performance, focus, and memory.

Brainteasers, brain training exercises and games

  1. Chess.com. You can play chess online with millions of players around the world and a powerful computer opponent. Besides, you can enjoy free unlimited games and improve your chess rating with 50,000+ tactics puzzles, interactive lessons and videos.
  2. lichess.org is a free chess app and a free/libre, no-ads, open source chess server.
  3. Lucas Chess is a open source chess program to train, play, and compete.
  4. PyChess is a fully featured, nice looking, easy to use chess client for the Gnome desktop. Chess apps
  5. Chess in GNU/Linux: sudo apt-get install scid (a chess database application) stockfish (a powerful and open source chess engine). Play against the chess engine. Open scid and select Tools, Analysis Engine. Click on New… Name (stockfish), Command (/usr/games/stockfish -you need to check it with: which stockfish), Directory (click the ~/.scid button).
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