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How To Study

Where should I study?

When and how much should I study?

How should I study?

Meaningful learning

Meaningful learning is learning in which new learned information is completely understood, comes from prior, related knowledge, and can now be used to make connections with other previously known knowledge, aiding in further understanding. Information is stored in a network of connections, so it can be easily accessed from multiple starting points depending on the context of recall.

Let’s see an example. The United Kingdom is located in the north west of Europe. It is separated from continental Europe by the English Channel. The UK includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many small islands. It is bordered to the north by the Atlantic Ocean, to the east by the North Sea, and to the south by the English Channel.

It is a sovereign state and a parliamentary monarchy whose head of state is Charles III. It consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its capital city is London.It is a large, cosmopolitan, and welcoming city. […]

Study Techniques

  1. First, read the whole text carefully to get an overall impression, a general understanding of the big concepts and key ideas in the material.
  2. Re-read it a few times. Take as much time as you need to thoroughly understand the material. Use different resources to learn the same information, such as videos, books from different authors, podcasts, images, dictionaries, to name a few.
  3. Most information will fade away if you don’t recall it. That’s why periodic recall of it is absolutely essential if you want to retain it for a long time.
  4. Schedule shorter, more focused study sessions to allow your brain to assimilate knowledge more efficiently. Avoid cramming all the information you need to learn in the last few days before an exam.
  5. Avoid multitasking, noise, and distractions, e.g., calls, messages, emails, etc.
  6. Avoid vocalizing, that is, uttering or saying words as you read them either loudly or saying them to yourself. This is basically because the speed at which you speak is slower than the speed at which you read. Read and study with a fresh mind.
  7. Use highlighting to draw attention to the most important information and key concepts. Read the paragraph first carefully and then highlight it. Don’t highlight too much, be very selective. Highlighting big chunks of text defeats its purpose, namely, making a small selection of the most important parts of the information. Instead of highlighting whole sentences or paragraphs, highlight only key concepts and connections between concepts. Use color-coding, i.e., different colored markers to highlight different categories of information, such as names, key concepts, definitions, dates, formulas, etc.

    Circle any words you do not understand, look them up in a dictionary, and write their meanings in the margins.

  8. Use the highlighted information to create concept maps, diagrams, flashcards, summaries, maps, etc.

Example of highlighting (The Solar System)

Geology is the study of the earth, geo means earth and ology means study of. It’s concerned with the solid Earth, its history, shape, the materials of which it is made, and the processes that are acting and have acted on it. Astronomy is the study of the universe. It includes Earth and everything that lies outside of its atmosphere, such as planets, stars, galaxies, comets, and black holes.

The Earth is the fourth planet away from the Sun. The Solar System is the sun and everything that orbits or moves around it due to its gravity. It is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, dust and gas. It is situated within the Orion-Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Solar System includes:

Do you like astronomy? Read our article Astronomy Free Software that compiles and describes a list of educational apps, completely free that help you to learn more about the Solar System, the Milky Way, and the Universe.

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