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How to clean and update your PC

  1. Installation: BleachBit, Download section (Windows); sudo pacman -S bleachbit (Arch), sudo apt install bleachbit (Ubuntu).
  2. Running bleachbit with arguments runs BleachBit in command line mode, eg. bleachbit -l lists all cleaners; sudo bleachbit ‐‐clean system.cache system.localizations system.trash system.tmp cleans up the system by clearing out some junk.
  3. Without arguments, BleachBit runs in graphical mode.

You can launch Disk Cleanup from the command line: Start menu, type cmd.exe, and rick click Command Prompt, Run as administrator.

	cleanmgr.exe /verylowdisk /d driveLetter # Disk Cleaner removes all unnecessary data from driveLetter without using its GUI.

Update your PC

You should update your operating system (System, Windows Update), programs, and drivers to their latest versions. Update your operating system:

  1. macOS: Apple menu, System Preferences, Software Update.
  2. Windows: Start, Settings, Windows Update.
  3. GNU/Linux. Ubuntu, Debian: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. Arch: sudo pacman -Syu

Update your programs:

Update your drivers

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