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How to listen to radio and podcasts

A lot of people listen to podcasts because they want to learn something and be entertained along the way, Alex Blumberg.

Listening to podcast, reading a book, listening to an audiobook and watching films isn’t a waste of time. It’s how somebody becomes wise, Deyth Banger.

Online radio is a digital audio service transmitted via the Internet. A podcast is a curated, radio talk show or program that you can download from the Internet on your mobile, tablet or computer, and can be subscribed to through web syndication (RSS). Podcasts are basically a series of episodes or audio files, typically in MP3 format, that are distributed via an RSS feed. How to listen to podcast and radio 

Online radio is completely unaffected by weak radio transmissions, weather or geographical conditions. There are an insane number of radio stations from all around the world to pick from.

Most podcasts out there are completely free and subscribing to a podcast is generally free, too. Besides, you get the content deliver to you automatically each time there is a new show. There are many podcast apps that will download these new content directly to your device and inform you when a new episode is available. These apps will also help you find new podcasts to listen to.

You can start listening to a podcast with your browser (Spotify, TuneIn or SoundCloud) or use a Podcast app.

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