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Art washes the dust of everyday life away from the soul, Pablo Picasso.

You might want to read our free ebooks Art is everywhere! and Music for a gentle introduction to this topic.

Art is a is the expression of ideas and emotions through a physical medium. It is something that is created with imagination and skill, that is beautiful and/or expresses important ideas or feelings. Art is a large part of our everyday lives, even though many do not realize it.

There are many different arts, such as literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing, music, theatre, dance, cinema and others.

Some of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, such as The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are considered to be among the world’s greatest artistic treasures. However, art is much more than that.

Art washes the dust of everyday life away from the soul, Pablo Picasso.

In summary, there is art everywhere you look. It brings meaning and pleasure to our lives.

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