UUID=ece31d22-201d-4421-b540-4337b029d72f (device or filesystem to be mounted) /media/mydisk (mount point for the filesystem) ext4 (it describes the type of the filesystem) nofail,auto (options: nofail, do not report errors for this device if it does not exist; auto, the filesystem can be mounted automatically) 0 (dump option. It is seldom used so if you are in doubt, just use 0) 0 (disable checking the file system at boot).
[pi] # Each section in the configuration file describes a shared resource
path = /media/mydisk/samba # This is the shared resource's path
comment = My Samba Share # Comment string to be associate with the new shared resource
browseable = yes # The resource is seen in the list of available shares in a net view and in the browse list
read only = no # read only = no, and writable = yes allow all users to access and write
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
writable = yes
valid users = nmaximo7 # It restricts access to specific users8. Create a user group: _sudo groupadd -r sambausers_
version: "2.1"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/webtop:ubuntu-mate # The image provides various versions that are available via tags, e.g., latest (XFCE Alpine), ubuntu-mate (MATE Ubuntu), arch-i3 (i3 Arch), etc.
container_name: webtop
- seccomp:unconfined #optional
- PUID=1000 # User PUID, just type in the terminal: id
- PGID=1000 # Group PGID
- TZ=Europe/Madrid # It sets the timezone for your location.
- KEYBOARD=es-es-qwerty # Spanish keyboard
- PASSWORD=ASecurePassword
- /home/pi/webtop/config:/config # This is the bridge between the path for your data storage on your host container (/home/pi/webtop/config)/to the home directory in the Linux-based container running in the browser
- 3000:3000 # -p <external>:<internal>, it exposes the (internal) port 3000 to be accesible from the host's IP on (external) port 3000 outside the container.
- /dev/dri:/dev/dri #optional
shm_size: "2gb" # This is the memory limit.
restart: unless-stopped
privileged: true # The KDE and i3 flavors for Ubuntu need to be run in privileged mode.
http://[PI_ADDRESS]:3000 # If you don't remember your PI's IP address, type: hostname -I. By default, the user and password is abc/abc.
/- auto_nfs -nobrowse,nosuid
/../Volumes/my_mount -fstype=nfs,noowners,nolockd,noresvport,hard,bg,intr,rw,tcp,nfc nfs://nmaximo7@
sudo automount -cv. Finally, add /Volumes/nfsShare to System Settings, Users & Groups, Login Items.