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How to Use RSS Feeds to dramatically boost your productivity

If you want to follow your favorites sites and blogs efficiently, nothing beats a good RSS reader where you can read everything in just one place. They typically just show you the body of the articles, so it’s a relatively add-free reading experience where you can focus on the content. Rss 

RSS is one of the most efficient ways to be notified of new and updated content. How do you find out if a website has an RSS feed? A website indicates the existence of an RSS feed by displaying the RSS logo or an orange button with the letters “XML” or “RSS”. If the website is powered by WordPress, all you need to do is add /feed/ to the end of the website’s URL. YouTube channel pages double as RSS feeds. Besides, you can find out a website’s RSS feed by checking its source code (View Page Source) and search for rss (Ctrl/Command + F). Rss Feeds 


Click + Add Content, and type a topic, website’s URL or an RSS feed. To start following a source, click the Follow button and select one of your folders.

Typically, you will group or organize your sources into folders by topic, project, discipline, or industry.

Besides, you can create boards to save the most important or valuable articles. When you are reading an article that you want to save to a particular board, click the star with a plus sign icon, then select a board. If you don’t have time to read a feed, you can simply click the Read Later icon or add it to your pocket .

Pocket makes very easy to save articles, videos, and sites to read later, at a more convenient time.

  1. Installation: brew install newsboat (macOS), sudo snap install newsboat (Ubuntu, Debian), sudo pacman -S newsboat (Arch)
  2. Launch: newsboat. Previously, you need to add some feeds to Newsboat.
  3. To add feeds to Newsboat, you need to open one of its configuration files, nvim ~/.newsboat/urls and add the URLs, one per line:
  4. To open a feed, press “Enter”. Then, you can read the content of the article. Typing “q” brings you back to the article list, the feed list or quit. o: Open in the browser.
  5. There is a second configuration file, ~/.newsboat/config:
      auto-reload yes # Newsboat will automatically reload all your feeds on startup.
      include /usr/share/doc/newsboat/contrib/colorschemes/inkpot # It specifies a color scheme.


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