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How to manage your passwords

Password managers are used to keep all your passwords safe. They store and manage all your passwords, so you don’t need to try to memorize a bunch of unique, complex passwords for all of your personal and work accounts. You only need to remember one password, the one to your password manager. They can generate complex passwords for you. You can also set your password manager to log in to sites automatically.

There are many password managers and not all password managers are created equal:

Virtual keyboards may be used in some cases to reduce the risk of keystroke logging. Keystroke logging is the act of recording key presses on a keyboard.


  1. Create a strong master password.
  2. Set up SMS Account Recovery and multifactor authentication. Open your LastPass Vault. Account Settings. 2.1 SMS Account Recovery. 2.2 Multifactor Options (LastPass Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.).
  3. Restrict LastPass Access to Specific Countries: Account Setting, Show Advanced Settings, Only allow login from selected countries.
  4. Store Secure Notes (templates): Driver’s License, Wi-Fi passwords, credit card numbers, social security cards, passports, etc.
  5. Form Fills. LastPass can remember and fill in name, birth date, gender, mailing address, email address, phone number, credit card information, social security number, etc.



Pass is a simple, lightweight, command-line password manager built with the Unix philosophy in mind. It keeps passwords inside gpg2 encrypted files inside a tree residing at ~/.password-store. It maybe the only free password manager you’ll need. Pass is a simple, lightweight, command-line password manager

If you don’t like the terminal, QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass.

  1. Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA and RSA (default)
  2. What key size do you want? (3072 or 4096)
  3. Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0 = key does not expire.
  4. Name and email address.
  5. A secure passphrase.
> gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
sec   rsa3072/YOUR_KEY_ID 2022-05-17 [SC]
uid                 [ultimate] YourName <YourEmail>
ssb   rsa3072/D8E947D170DF786E 2022-05-17 [E]
> pass find amazon
Search Terms: amazon
└── Root
    ├── Ocio
    │   └── amazon.es
  1. It is available in the Arch User Repository: yay -S pass-import
  2. Migration from KeePassXC. Export the database to CSV. Launch KeePassXC: Database, Export to CSV File
  3. pass import keepassxc /path_database/database.csv
bindsym $mod+Shift+y exec rofi-pass
gpg --export-secret-keys <KEY_ID> > my_private_key.asc
gpg --import my_private_key.asc
  1. Install pam-gnup: yay -S pam-gnupg-git.
  2. Open the PAM configuration file for your login manager (e.g., lightdm, gdm, sddm) located in /etc/pam.d/, e.g., sudo vim /etc/pam.d/lightdm, and add the following line to the end of the file:
        auth optional pam_gnupg.so store-only
        # It specifies that the pam-gnupg module should be invoked during the authentication process. It allows gpg-agent to unlock your GnuPG keys using your login password.
        session optional pam_gnupg.so
        # It specifies that the pam-gnupg module should be invoked during the session setup.
  3. Configure pam-gnup: vim ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and add:
      default-cache-ttl 3600 # This line sets the default cache time-to-live (TTL) for cached passphrases to 3600 seconds (1 hour). Once you enter your passphrase to unlock your GPG key, it will be cached by gpg-agent for this duration before it expires and requires you to re-enter the passphrase.
      max-cache-ttl 86400 # Set max-cache-ttl 86400 to expire after a day.
  4. Run the following command:
    user@pc:~$ gpg -K --with-keygrip # Run the following command to get the keygrip for the encryption subkey
    sec   ed25519 2024-04-09 [SC]
          Keygrip = 0D14202636454856616189A690F25D
    uid           [ultimate] Máximo Núñez Alarcón 
    ssb   cv25519 2024-04-09 [E]
          Keygrip = 01203A3A0E425658626B70898FE4E9E9F0F19B
  5. These keygrips represent unique identifiers for your keys.. Write the keygrip for the encryption subkey marked [E] – shown in boldface in the output above into ~/.pam_environment:
    Then, reboot or re-login, you can bind pass to specific keys in your i3 configuration file, bindsym $mod+p exec –no-startup-id “pass -c path/to/your/password”.
  6. Edit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pam-gnupg/keygrips and add your keygrips:

Trouble shooting: The XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable plays a crucial role in determining where user-specific configuration files should be stored. Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc and add: ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc. Create Configuration Directory for pam-gnupg: mkdir -p $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pam-gnupg.

If you want convenience (sacrifice security💣) sudo visudo: mysuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL, it grants mysuser privileges on all hosts, allowing them to run any command as any user or group and he would not be prompted for a password when using sudo.
  1. Create a private repository. Create a new repository. Repository name: pass. Visibility level: Private.

  2. Initialize it locally: pass git init

  3. Add the remote origin:

    pass git remote add origin https://github.com/nmaximo7/pass.git
  4. Push your pass store to the remote repository: pass git push -u –all. Username: yourUserName. Password: yourPersonalAccessToken. You need to have or create a personal access token (PAT).

  1. Install BrowserPass - native messaging host, it is a host application for browserpass browser extension providing it access to your password store, sudo pacman -S browserpass
  2. You also need Browserpass - browser extension, a browser extension for pass.


KeePassXC is a free cross-platform password manager.

  1. Installation. KeePassXC. macOS: brew install ‐‐cask keepassxc. Debian, Ubuntu: sudo apt install keepassxc. Arch: sudo pacman -S keepassxc
  2. Export LastPass Vault’s data. A. Using Firefox, go to LastPass: Advanced, Export, LastPass CSV File and save it as a CSV file. B Import it in KeePassXC: Database, Import, CSV File. Database Name: Passwords. Save it (Passwords.kdbx) in Google Drive/Dropbox/etc. Import CSV Fields. Check column association (Username: Column3, Password: Column 4, URL: Column 5, etc. it may vary).
  3. Use it in your favorite browser. Launch KeePassXC, select the Settings option or the cog wheel icon from the Tools menu, and then, Browser Integration, Enable browser integration. In the General tab: Enable integration for these browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc. Open your browser, install the extension KeePassXC-Browser, and connect it to KeePassXC. Give the connection a unique name, then click on Save and allow access.
  4. Use KeePassXC in your phone, too. Install the Keepass2Android Password Safe app. Open file…, Google Drive/Dropbox/etc., Select Passwords.kdbx, Type your Master Key.
  5. Set up 2FA TOP with KeepassXC. Right-click on any entry, TOTP, Set up TOTP and copy the TOTP code, e.g., Twitter: More, Settings and privacy, Security, Two-factor authentication, Check authentication app, Can’t scan QR code. To view it, right-click on the entry, TOTP, Show TOTP. To transfer it to Google Authenticator. Select the entry that contains the secret key, TOTP, Show QR Code.

If this is not possible, you can always take a screenshot and use a QR scanner app or zbar. ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources.

# Arch
sudo pacman -S zbar # 1. Install the zbar package (Arch). sudo apt-get install zbar-tools (Ubuntu, Debian,  or similar)
zbarimg $ ~/codigoqr.png # 2. Decode the QR code (You need to screenshot it and save it to your computer)
You will get something like:

nix-shell -p zbar
zbarimg /home/nmaximo7/Dropbox/code.png
You will get something like:

Right-click on any entry, TOTP, Set up TOTP and copy the TOTP code (.

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