I have seen the deep suffering of the Somali people with my own eyes, who are looking for safety and food. Refugee children who are dying and their mothers who have become walking skeletons, are faced with the unbearable choice of which child to save, Antonio Gutiérrez.
There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread, Mahatma Gandhi.
Famine is the greatest single factor threatening upheaval in the world. Now, the question is what you are going to do about it.
Learn more about hunger, its causes, effects, and solutions. “200 million children under five years of age suffer from acute or chronic symptoms of malnutrition […] malnutrition is an important factor among the nearly 13 million children under five who die every year from preventable diseases and infections, such as measles, diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia, or from some combination of these,” Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger. “Food production is not the main problem. The problem is that millions of people are poor and cannot get their hands on enough good nutritious food every day,” Ending Hunger.
Play Food force, “an educational project to solve the food crisis by collaborative, joyful, and self-empowered learning.”
See the world from a different perspective with World Mapper. Select Map, Economy, Poverty, Multidimensional Poverty. “This map shows the land surface resized by its population, overlaid with the percentage of the population that is multidimensionally poor.” An alternative is the World Food Programme’s Hunger Map.
Put pressure on politicians, world leaders, corporations, and the media to end hunger, and push for action and social justice wherever you are.
Feed a child with a click in The Hunger Site and learn that “Hunger remains the No.1 cause of death in the world. Aids, Cancer etc. follow.”
Join or volunteer in a non-profit organization, donate some money to charity, write letters to governments, companies, and newspapers voicing your concerns, use social media to fight hunger and share your concerns.