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JustToThePoint's Library: Marta and the Twins II

Do not fight!

A delightful and unforgettable ebook to teach kids about solving conflicts in a mutually respectful and beneficial way, a peaceful way that satisfies all parties.

Do not fight! 2

A funny, easy-to-read, and educational bilingual ebook to learn about controlling and managing anger in a more positive and healthy way.

I will never learn it!

An inspiring, adorable, and thought-provoking ebook about never giving up. Never say never, never give up, never surrender. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

I will never learn it! 2

An inspiring, adorable, and uplifting ebook which takes an important message. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. There is no failure except in no longer trying.

I will not get that shot!

A delightful, hilarious, and action-packed ebook about vaccines. Vaccines save lives and protect against long-term health consequences; fear endangers them.

I will not get that shot! 2

An inspiring, hilarious, surprisingly sweet, fast-paced follow-up to the first ebook "I will not get that shot" about a deadly serious topic, our health and how vaccines can help us to stay healthy.

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