JustToThePoint English Website Version
JustToThePoint en español
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About us


We are not satisfied with the reality in which we live. Consequently, we want to be part of the people who change the world for the better, a more human, fraternal, and united world. We want to empower individuals and communities by equipping them with the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills they need to enjoy and exercise their rights, to succeed and develop a healthy lifestyle, to live a meaningful and purposeful life, and to respect and defend the rights of all human beings.

We are a social enterprise and we have been investing our time and money in this project the whole last decade, but we are still a work in progress. We are seeking volunteers, sponsors, donations, and we need your support to carry out our mission!


We want to educate people in a playful and engaging way, but also in a way that adds value to society. We are seeking to inform and raise awareness about the serious social problems that we are facing as citizens of the world, as well as, encourage civic and social participation. We have no religious, political or governmental affiliation.

We focus on the main issues and problems that affect us all as individuals and as a society and aim to provide possible ideas and solutions. Besides, we try, as much as possible, to be rigorous and maintain political, religious, and ideological neutrality. The “Te Amo Padre” section (Spanish version) is, likely, the only exception.

OUR GOALS: What is our point?

Free resources to help your child and your entire family succeed, develop a healthy lifestyle, and have fun.

Inform, raise awareness about social problems, and encourage civil and social participation.

More specifically:

Our core values ​​are:

Who are we?

We are people who want to change the world

We hope to continue to do our part through educating our visitors and encouraging conversations that will lead to a more inclusive, equitable, and just world and make a difference in helping make the world a better, more sustainable, prosperous, and fairer place.

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JustToThePoint Copyright © 2011 - 2025 Anawim. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bilingual e-books, articles, and videos to help your child and your entire family succeed, develop a healthy lifestyle, and have a lot of fun. Social Issues, Join us.

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