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Computing Galois groups II. Quartics and beyond.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth, Sherlock Holmes

Theorem: Let f(x) be the general nth degree polynomial in F[x] of deg(f) = n ≤ 4, then f is solvable (by radicals).


Mod p Irreducible Test. Let p be a prime and suppose that f(x)∈ ℤ[x] with deg f(x) ≥ 1. Let f′(x) be the polynomial in ℤp[x] obtained from f(x) by reducing all the coefficients of f(x) modulo p. If f′(x) is irreducible over ℤp and deg f(x)= deg f′(x), then f(x) is irreducible over ℚ.

Resolvent cubic is a cubic polynomial defined from a monic polynomial of degree four, g(x) = (x -β1)(x -β2)(x -β3) ∈ K[x]. We define β1 = α1α2 + α3α4, β2 = α1α3 + α2α4, β3 = α1α4 + α2α3, βi∈ K.

D square ∈ F D square ∉ F
g is reducible over F D2 G = D4 or G = C4
g is irreducible over F G = A4 G = S4

Corollary. If g splits completely in F ↭ G = D2. If g has exactly one root in F ↭ G = D4 or C4. g is irreducible ↭ G = S4 or A4

Disc(x4 +cx +d) = 256d3 -27c4. Resolvent cubic of x4 +cx + d = x3 -4dx -c2

K = $ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}i) = ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, i)$, and this can be easily seen because i = $\frac{i\sqrt[4]{2}}{\sqrt[4]{2}}$ so $ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, i) ⊆ ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}i)$, but obviously it is also the case that $\sqrt[4]{2}i = \sqrt[4]{2}·i$ so $ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, \sqrt[4]{2}i) ⊆ ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2}, i)$.

$β_1 = 2i\sqrt{2}, β_2=0, β_3=-2i\sqrt{2}, g = (x -2i\sqrt{2})(x + 2i\sqrt{2})x = x^3+8x$, g is reducible, and has exactly one root in ℚ ⇒ Gal(f) = D2 (it is not possible because it is not completely reducible -Corollary-) D4 or C4. To discriminate between these two choices, further analysis is required.

K | | ( = 2 4 , 2 , ) ( x f i ^ , 2 = + x 2 ^ ) 1 4 = i - r 2 r ( e i d r 2 u r ) c e ( i d i b u ) l c e i , b l i e ( 2 )

Therefore, [K: ℚ] = [K : ℚ(i, ∜2)]·[ℚ(∜2) : ℚ] = 8 ⇒ Gal(f) = D4.

The dihedral group D4 is the symmetry group of the square. D4 = ⟨r, s : r4 = s2 = id, rs = sr-1⟩.

  1. r = $(\sqrt[4]{2},i\sqrt[4]{2},-\sqrt[4]{2},-i\sqrt[4]{2})$, |r| = 4, ℤ4 ≋ ⟨r⟩. Notice that $r(i)=r(\frac{i\sqrt[4]{2}}{\sqrt[4]{2}}) = \frac{r(i\sqrt[4]{2})}{r(\sqrt[4]{2})} = \frac{-\sqrt[4]{2}}{i\sqrt[4]{2}} = \frac{-1}{i} = i$, so it could be easily seen that its fixed field is ℚ(i).
  2. r2 = $(\sqrt[4]{2},-\sqrt[4]{2})(i\sqrt[4]{2},-i\sqrt[4]{2})$. The center of D4 is given by ℤ(D4) = {e, r2} = ⟨r2⟩ ≋ ℤ2. What is its fixed field? i is fixed by r2, but also $r^2(\sqrt{2})=r^2(\sqrt[4]{2}·\sqrt[4]{2})=r^2(\sqrt[4]{2})·r^2(\sqrt[4]{2})=-\sqrt[4]{2}·-\sqrt[4]{2}=\sqrt{2}$, and its fixed field is ℚ(i, $\sqrt{2}$).
  3. Of course, s is meant to be complex conjugation, say s = (i, -i), |s| = 2, and $ℚ(\sqrt[4]{2})$ is fixed by s. Futhermore, $\sqrt{2}$ is fixed by both s and r2, so the fixed field of V4 = ⟨r2, s⟩ is $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})$
  4. rs: $\sqrt[4]{2}→\sqrt[4]{2}→i\sqrt[4]{2},i\sqrt[4]{2}→-i\sqrt[4]{2}→\sqrt[4]{2}, i→-i→-i, -i→i→i, -\sqrt[4]{2}→-\sqrt[4]{2}→-i\sqrt[4]{2}, -i\sqrt[4]{2}→i\sqrt[4]{2}→-\sqrt[4]{2}$. Therefore, rs = $(\sqrt[4]{2},i\sqrt[4]{2})(i,-i)(-\sqrt[4]{2},-\sqrt[4]{2}i)$ and the reader can also verify that r3s = $(\sqrt[4]{2},-i\sqrt[4]{2})(i,-i)(-\sqrt[4]{2},\sqrt[4]{2}i)$


K | | | ( ( = 2 2 2 , 2 , 2 , , ) ( x x f ^ ^ 2 2 ( 2 = , 3 - + - x 3 ^ ( + 2 ( 2 3 ) 3 + 2 ) + - 2 2 i 2 ) r ) i , r r e i r d r e ( u r d 3 c e u - i d c b u i 2 l c b ) e i l ) b e l ( e 2 , ( 2 ( ) 3 + 2 ) )

Since [K : ℚ] = 8, and Δ is not a square in F (G = D4, C4 -|C4| = 4, or S4 -|S4| = 24), the only option with order 8 is D4 = ⟨a, b: a4 = b2 = e, ab = ba-1⟩.

It is obviously solvable by radicals: $\mathbb{Q}⊆\mathbb{ℚ}(\sqrt{2})⊆{ℚ}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3+\sqrt{2}})⊆{ℚ}(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3+\sqrt{2}},\sqrt{3-\sqrt{2}})$



x4 -4x2 +2 = (x4 -4x +4) -2 = (x2-2)2 -2 = 0 ⇒ (x2-2)2 = 2 ⇒ $(x^2-2)=±(\sqrt{2}) ⇒ x^2 = 2±(\sqrt{2})$ ⇒ Its roots are $±α = ±\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}, ±β = ±\sqrt{2-\sqrt{2}}.$ Notice that β = $\frac{α^2-2}{α}∈ℚ(α)$, so K = [🚀] $ℚ(α)=ℚ(\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}})$. An automorphism Φ: ℚ(α) → ℚ(α) is defined by permuting the four roots, e.g., σ: α → β, β → -α, Gal(K/ℚ) ≋ [Since [K : ℚ] = 4, the options with order 4 are Gal(K/ℚ) ≋ D2 or C4] D2 or C4

🚀 ℚ(α) = $ℚ(\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}), β = \sqrt{2-\sqrt{2}} = \frac{(\sqrt{2-\sqrt{2}})·(\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}})}{(\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}})}=\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}}$. It is obvious that α ∈ ℚ(α) = $ℚ(\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}) ⇒ α^2 = 2 + \sqrt{2} ∈ ℚ(α) ⇒ \sqrt{2} ∈ ℚ(α) ⇒ β = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}} ∈ ℚ(α)$ ⇒ K = ℚ(±α, ±β) = ℚ(α).

Let σ be defined by σ: α → β, β → -α. σ2(α) = σ(β) = -α, σ3(α) = σ(-α) = -β, σ4(α) = σ(-β) = α. σ2(β) = σ(-α) = -β, σ3(β) = σ(-β) = α, σ4(β) = σ(α) = β ⇒ σ4 = id ⇒ σ has order 4 ⇒ [D2 has all elements of order 2 except the identity, but C4 has an element of order 4] Gal(K/Q) ≋ C4.

x4 +4x2 +2 = 0 ↭ $x^4 +4x^2 +4 -2 = 0 ↭ (x+2)^2 = 2 ↭ x = ±\sqrt{-2 ±\sqrt{ 2 }}, α_1 = \sqrt{-2 +\sqrt{ 2 }}, α_2 = -\sqrt{-2 +\sqrt{ 2 }}, α_3 = \sqrt{-2 -\sqrt{ 2 }}, α_4 = -\sqrt{-2 -\sqrt{ 2 }}$

By a similar reasoning than before K = ℚ(α1) because $α_1^2 = -2 + \sqrt{2} ∈ K ⇒ \sqrt{2} ∈ K$. Futhermore, α1α3 = $(\sqrt{-2 +\sqrt{ 2 }})(\sqrt{-2 -\sqrt{ 2 }}) = i(\sqrt{2 -\sqrt{ 2 }})i(\sqrt{2 +\sqrt{ 2 }}) = -\sqrt{2} ⇒ α_3 = \frac{-\sqrt{2}}{α_1} ∈ K, α_4 = -α_3 ∈ K$, so K is the splitting field of the irreducible polynomial f over ℚ ⇒ [K : ℚ] = deg(f) = 4 = |Gal(f)|. Since [K : ℚ] = 4, the options with order 4 are Gal(K/ℚ) ≋ D2 or C4

Next, σ ∈ Gal(f), σ(α1) = α3 is an element of order 4 ⇒ [D2 has all elements of order 2 except the identity, but C4 has an element of order 4] Gal(K/Q) ≋ C4.

Besides, the discriminant is Δ = 2048, so $\sqrt{Δ}∉\mathbb{Q}$, and the resolvent is g = x3 +32x2 + 128x which is reducible over ℚ ⇒ Gal(K/ℚ) ≋ D2 or C4.

Futhermore, x5 -7 is irreducible over ℚ(w). Suppose for the sake of contradiction, x5 -7 is reducible over ℚ(w) ⇒ [Abel’s Theorem. Let F be a field of characteristic 0, let p be a prime number, and a ∈ F. If xp -a is reducible over F, then it has a linear factor x -c in F[x].] ∃b∈ ℚ(w): b = $\sqrt[5]{7}$. However, x5 -7 is irreducible over ℚ ⇒ [ℚ($\sqrt[5]{7})$: ℚ] ≥ 5, but [ℚ($\sqrt[5]{7})$: ℚ] ≤Since b ∈ ℚ(w) [ℚ(w) : ℚ] = 4⊥

The roots of x5 -7 in ℂ are α, αw, αw2, αw3, αw4, where α = $\sqrt[5]{7}$ and w = $e^{\frac{2πi}{5}}$. The Galois group consist of σp, q: α → αwp, w → wq, 0 ≤ p, q ≤ 4, σ0,1 = id.

σp,q∘σr,s(α) = σp,q(αwr) = σp,q(α)(σp,q(w))r = αwpwqr = αwp+qr. σp,q∘σr,s(w) = σp,q(ws) = wqs. Therefore, σp,q∘σr,s = σp+qr,qs where the addition and multiplication p+qr,qs is in mod 5 ⇒ σ1,12 = σ2, 1. More generally, σ1, 1p = σp, 1. Similarly, σ0, 22 = σ0, 22, and in general, σ0, 2q = σ0, 2q, and σp, 1σ0, 2q = σp, 2q.

The Galois group is generated by β = σ1, 1 and γ = σ0, 2 with presentation ⟨β, γ| β5 = γ4 = β2γβ-1γ-1 = id⟩

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