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Currency converter. Help windows for key bindings.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe, Abraham Lincoln.

Currency converter

Currency converter

We are going to make use of CurrencyConverter, a currency converter using the European Central Bank data. You need to install its package: pip install CurrencyConverter

from currency_converter import CurrencyConverter

def get_exchange_rate(base_currency, base_currency_symbol, target_currency, target_currency_symbol):
    Fetches the exchange rate from base_currency to target_currency.
    1. base_currency (string): The base currency code, e.g., "EUR".
    2. base_currency_symbol (string): The symbol for the base currency, e.g., "€".
    3. target_currency (string): The target currency code, e.g., "USD".
    4. target_currency_symbol (str): The symbol for the target currency, e.g., "$".
    Example usage: Convert from EUR to USD, get_exchange_rate("EUR", "€", "USD", "$")
    # Load the packaged data (might not be up to date)
    c = CurrencyConverter()

    # Convert 100 units of base currency to target currency
    rate = round(c.convert(100, base_currency, target_currency),2)
    if rate is not None:
        print(f"100{base_currency_symbol} = {rate}{target_currency_symbol}. ", end=" ")
        print("Could not fetch the exchange rate.")
def get_exchange_rates():
    Fetches exchange rates for specific currency pairs.
    Usage: get_exchange_rates()
    get_exchange_rate("EUR", "€", "USD", "$") # EUR to USD
    get_exchange_rate("EUR", "€", "GBP", "£") # EUR to GBP
    get_exchange_rate("EUR", "€", "THB", "฿") # EUR to THB
    get_exchange_rate("THB", "฿", "EUR", "€") # THB to EUR

Help windows for key bindings

Awesome is a highly configurable tiling window manager for X that uses lua. It manages windows in different layouts, like floating or tiled. If you pres Mod4 + s, it displays a help window with all currently assigned key binding from its configuration file.

Creating a help screen similar to AwesomeWM but for i3 or other window manager using Python can be an efficient way to have quick access to keybindings, commands, aliases, etc.

    "Essentials": [
        "$mod+Enter: Open a new terminal.",
        "$mod+b: pavucontrol (sound)",
        "$mod+d: Rofi.",
        "$mod+p: Take a screenshot (requires scrot).",
        "mod+Shift+e: Shutdown.",
        "$mod+r: mode \"resize\""
    "Basic Navigation": [
        "$mod+j: Focus left.",
        "$mod+k: Focus down.",
        "$mod+l: Focus up.",
        "$mod+;: Focus right."
    ], [...],
    "Window Management": [
        "$mod+Shift+q: Close the focused window.",
        "$mod+f: Toggle fullscreen mode for the focused window.",
        "$mod+Shift+space: Toggle floating mode for the focused window.",
        "$mod+h: Split horizontally.",
        "$mod+v: Split vertically.",
        "$mod+s: Stacking layout.",
        "$mod+w: Tabbed layout.",
        "$mod+e: Toggle between split and tabbed/stacking layout.",
        "$mod+r: Enter resize mode (use j, k, l, ; to resize)."
File: displayKeybindings.py
Author: Máximo Núñez Alarcón
Description: Awesome's clone of its help window with all currently assigned key binding from its configuration file.
Usage: Edit your i3 configuration file and add the following line:
bindsym $mod+Shift+h exec bash -c 'source /your/Path/venv/bin/activate && python /your/Path/displayKeybindings.py'
After reloading i3, press $mod+Shift+h.

# Import necessary libraries
from dotenv import load_dotenv # Module for loading environment variables from .env file
import os # Module providing a portable way to use operating system-dependent functionality
import tkinter as tk # GUI toolkit: sudo pacman -S tk (Linux, Arch)
from tkinter import scrolledtext # Widget for displaying text with scrolling capabilities
from tkinter import ttk # Themed widget set for tkinter
import json # Module for parsing JSON data

def load_content(file_path):
    Load content from a JSON file.

        file_path (str): Path to the JSON file.

        dict: Contents of the JSON file as a dictionary.
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        return json.load(file)

def populate_tabs(tab_control, root):
    Populate tabs with content from a JSON file.

        tab_control (ttk.Notebook): Notebook widget to contain multiple tabs.
        root (tk.Tk): Root window of the application.

    # Path to the JSON file containing keybindings information
    file_path = "/home/nmaximo7/myPython/assets/keybindings.json"  # Change this to your file path
    content = load_content(file_path)
    # Iterate over each section in the JSON file
    ''' This is a typical section.
     "Basic Navigation": [
        "$mod+j: Focus left.",
        "$mod+k: Focus down.",
        "$mod+l: Focus up.",
        "$mod+;: Focus right."
    for section_title, section_content in content.items():
        tab = ttk.Frame(tab_control) # Create a new tab

        # Add tab to the notebook where section_title is the title of the tab, e.g., "Basic Navigation"
        tab_control.add(tab, text=section_title)  
        text_box = tk.Text(tab, wrap="word", font=("Helvetica", 28)) # Create text box with custom font
        text_box.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=20, pady=5) # Pack text box into the tab with padding
        # Insert content into the text box
        if isinstance(section_content, list): # If section_content is a list.
            for line in section_content:
                text_box.insert("end", line + "\n")  # Insert each line followed by a newline
        elif isinstance(section_content, str): # If section_content is a string.
            text_box.insert("end", section_content) 

        # Add a button to close the window in the last tab
        if section_title == list(content.keys())[-1]:
            close_label = tk.Label(tab, text="Click here to close", fg="blue", cursor="hand2")
            close_button = ttk.Button(tab, text="Click to Close", command=lambda root=root: on_close(root))

def on_close(root):
    Handle window close event by destroying the root window.

        root (tk.Tk): Root window of the application.

# Main function. It displays the keybindings, aliases, and useful commands in a Tkinter window
def show_i3_keybindings(filepath='./assets/keybindings.txt'):
    Display keybindings in a Tkinter window.

        filepath (str): Path to the keybindings file.

    # Create a Tkinter window
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Tabbed Text Viewer")

    # Create a notebook widget to contain the tabs
    tab_control = ttk.Notebook(root)
    tab_control.pack(expand=1, fill="both")

    # Attach protocol to handle window close event
    root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: on_close(root))

    # Populate tabs with content
    populate_tabs(tab_control, root)
    # Run the Tkinter main loop

# Entry point of the program
if __name__ == '__main__':
    load_dotenv() # Load environment variables from .env file
    mypath = os.getenv("KEYBINDING")
# It sources the virtual environment and then executes the Python script.
bindsym $mod+Shift+h exec bash -c 'source /home/nmaximo7/myPython/venv/bin/activate && python /home/nmaximo7/myPython/displayKeybindings.py'
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