Without failure, there is no success.
English is the official universal language. It is, by far, the language of international trade, finance, diplomacy, etc. It is used not only in English spoken countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and The United Kingdom but worldwide. Pronunciation is the way a word or a language is spoken. English pronunciation is one of the most difficult, challenging and yet important skills to acquire. It is key to speaking English and being understood.
Try to imitate native speakers when you talk and chat with them as much as you can. Do not get discouraged and do not be afraid of making mistakes. Always remember, you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. In other words, we cannot achieve anything important in life without sacrifice and failure -you need failure to succeed!
They can be used from the console in GNU/Linux. Just follow these simple instructions: 1. Install the packages festival and espeak: sudo apt-get install espeak festival (Ubuntu, Debian). 2. Type one of these commands into your console or terminal: espeak “How are you?”; echo “How are you?” | festival ‐‐tts; or echo “How are you?” | espeak.
If you prefer a female voice, then the command to run would be, echo “How are you?” | espeak -ven+14. -v sets a Voice for the speech.
Last, but not least, espeak –f myFile.txt reads what is written in the file myFile.txt.
However, it is not free. Quite the contrary, it is very pricey. An alternative is ELSA Speak, your personal AI-powered English speaking coach.